Entering university is the next step in education for many people and sometimes it can be a difficult path. Often it is restricted by finances (somewhere a textbook is smirking), insufficient marks (try a tutor) and conflict with parents (ouch). Swapping degrees and choosing the correct one is usually where this tension arises. 123tutors would like to ease this transition and equip you with some information and ideas to structure your career options and ultimate choice. Answering the questions below should be a springboard to highlight your areas of interest.
1, 1, 2, 3, ? ? For those that recognise it, yes it is the Fibonacci sequence (a famous number pattern). So each number is a sum of the previous two. It looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55… For those that are allergic to maths, try the next question and see if you enjoy it more. But for those that found this interesting click here to watch a great Ted Talk titled "the magic of Fibonacci numbers”. Career ideas: engineering, business, actuarial science, accountant, investment manager
“All the world ‘s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.”“There is no story that is not true, [...] The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others.” “I came to explore the wreck. The words are purposes. The words are maps.” Quote one is from Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It. Quote two is from Chinua Achebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart. Quote three is from Adrienne Rich’s poem, Diving into the Wreck.Literature and language may be you’re calling. Like if you easily spotted that ‘you’re’ was supposed to be ‘your’ in the previous sentence. If not read on: Career ideas: journalist, writer (novels, poetry, scripts, screenplay), copy editor, columnist, advertising
For those that adore art, this would have been easy to identify that picture 1 is Salvador Dalí's Surrealist painting: The Persistence of Memory. Picture 2 is Andy Warhol's Pop Art painting: Campbell's Soup Cans. Creative inclined futures are a viable option. You just need to be rigorous with your research and planning of career avenues. Career ideas: artist, museum curator, gallery owner, art teacher, private collector, art therapist, illustrator
You may have been excited to identify the mitosis captured in the above image. So if microscopes seem fascinating, blood does not terrify you and improving people's health feels vital, look at our ideas below.
Career ideas: doctor, veterinarian, botanist, phsyio, microbiologist, geneticist The questions above may not have contained content that interested you as there are an abundance of fields of interest. The career ideas are also only suggestions (only you can identify what excites you). This may be difficult for parents with rigid ideas about their child’s future. Our advice: keep an open mind.
We live in a multidimensional society where skills can easily be transferred or adapted. But, we recommend that you book a lesson with one of our tutors before you swap your current field of study completely.
And if you do swap- we will be here to aid the transition....