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Jenna Cornelius
04:19 07 Nov 23
I can't say enough good things about my experience with 123tutors. Their commitment to helping me succeed was exceptional. As a second year university student, I'm very grateful to know that I have 123tutors to fall back on if I hit any more road blocks in the remainder of my studies, especially with exams coming up. The booking process was so smooth and simple and I was matched with my tutor within a day. So impressed by their rates as well, especially given the quality of tutoring I received. Very professional and good value for money, highly recommended 123tutors.
Sibahle Khumalo
14:45 15 Jun 23
My tutor helped me a lot with accounting, I was struggling but after the sessions my understanding for it was improving.
Courtney Murphy
10:15 08 Nov 22
My experience with 123tutors was exceptional. The administrative process was fluid as I was placed with a tutor almost immediately. The fact that I could be tutored in the comfort of my own home was the first green flag. My tutor- Ameerah Pangarker was extremely patient with me and organised. The tutoring encouraged me to keep up to date with my coursework and prepare for tests and exams timeously. The extra perks were the additional resources that were provided to me, which is limited for BUS3004S. The driving factor behind my timeous and continuous work ethic was the concise notes with imperative examples made by my tutor, which 100% assisted me for my tests, quizzes and my exam. Which I wrote confidently.I definitely recommend 123tutors!
Jordan Pillay
07:31 20 Aug 22
Comparative rates. Good tutors who have experience. Be sure to specify the type of help you need
sufyaan gafoor
12:11 14 Jul 22
A professional service that provides quality tutors. Highly recommended! David has helped me achieve a distinction pass and a 95% pass for my final research portfolio.
Selma Lotter
08:12 11 May 22
Vivian has been a wonderful Maths tutor who is willing to assist and adjust as the need may be to help my daughter understand and advance in her maths. The registration and assignment of a tutor to us was very professional and quick, and the experience has been super from start to date.
Lorelei Botha
09:54 25 Jan 22
The tutor was very professional and took her time to explain everything about the subject I was struggling with. She was kind and made me feel very comfortable. My CAT finals went up by 15% with only 5 hours of lessons.
Angelique Rossouw
17:26 22 May 21
Shaaira was extremely helpful in assisting me. She help me fill learning gaps I was struggling on. She was punctual, warm and friendly. She also went out her way to provide extra resources such as last papers she felt could assist me in my learning process. All in all, I recommend her to anyone who is considering her as a tutor.

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